What our client say about us

  • qute-a

    Acceleration were identified as the best value for money source to deliver the specialist work we required for the Australian Government's principal online entry point australia.gov.au. I have found Acceleration very responsive and they have delivered quality work within agreed timeframes. They have been very accommodating of our changing demands, priorities and timelines and, in fact, we have since commissioned further work from them. Damian Anderson is a pleasure to work with, as is his entire team. I would not hesitate to either use them again or to recommend them.

    qute-b Lisa Webber, Director of Change and Communications, Australian Government Information Management Office, Department of Finance and Deregulation
    australia.gov.au - The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO)
  • The Le@rning Federation

    The energy and flexibility of the Acceleration team ensured they were able to flourish in a highly complex development framework.

    quote-r Susan Atkins, Manager - Education Design & Quality Assurance, The Le@rning Federation
  • qute-a

    Acceleration brought strong customer references and a deep understanding of what's required to deliver effective educational and interpretational multimedia. The Acceleration team has a strong feeling for the education context and has the creative skills necessary to bring the elephant experience to life.

    qute-b Jenny Hoysted, Interpretation Coordinator, Melbourne Zoo
    Melbourne Zoo
  • Latrobe Primary School

    Using Acceleration's eLearning materials has advanced students' computer skills and encouraged them to consider the different sides of a story before deciding what to believe. these are important attributes for children growing up in the informatoin age.

    quote-r Bernadette Howard, Curriculum Consultation Project Officer, Latrobe Primary School
  • qute-a

    We were impressed with previous work done by Acceleration, to us Acceleration represented an innovative, young and creative team whom we believed had the greatest ability to understand students and the capability to relate to students and build a strong rapport. Acceleration's strong skills in both marketing and innovative and edgy digital media design reassured us that Acceleration was the right company for the project's success.

    qute-b Dr Andrew Tunks, Senior Lecturer at the University of Tasmania’s School of Earth Sciences
  • The Sven Callaway Show - Tasmania Department of Education

    Acceleration brings a young, fresh and energetic approach to the design and development of e-learning materials. They have a real understanding of what students like and the skills to make material flexible and interesting.

    quote-r Jenny Kenny, Centre of Excellence in Online Learning, Tasmania Department of Education
  • qute-a

    The first edition finally went out at the beginning of April. The feedback was really impressive - some great comments including references to the design - 'excellent design and presentation' - and people are enthusiastic about having their information included. We are very pleased with the result.

    qute-b Jacqui Pringle, Communications and Publishing, Australian Communications and Media Authority

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Why Acceleration?

Since 1999 Acceleration has helped many of Australia’s leading businesses, education providers and government agencies create next generation platform innovations.

A decade of delivery

For more than ten years, Acceleration has been delivering innovative solutions for clients across Australia. Our proven track record, expertise and experience has seen us deliver award-winning results. Here is what our clients say about us.


Acceleration is a Partner with Microsoft
Acceleration is a Gold Partner with Webcentral
Acceleration is a Silver Partner with Melbourne IT

Acceleration is a Silver Partner with Acquia